You can play vocabulary games and practise your reading with stories on and off the pitch. 你能够通过球场上或幕后的故事来玩词汇游戏并锻炼你的阅读能力。
Stare in a daze, play poker with friends and reading. 刁亦男:发呆、和朋友打牌、读书。
I play the piano. I love reading, sketching and watching LOST. 我喜欢购物和旅游,闲暇时弹弹钢琴,我喜爱阅读,素描,爱看电视剧《迷失》。
The Chapter on spoken English has been adapted to the new "Interview" and "play extract" reading passage with advice and examples included. 口语一章已改成了“面谈”和“戏剧节选”的阅读文章,附有建议和举例。
Did you learn to play the guitar by ear or by reading music? 你学弹吉他时看乐谱还是不看乐谱?
Full-back Richards acknowledged City did not play well against Reading, but is already looking forward to tackling United at Wembley. 司职后卫的理查兹承认曼城在对阵雷丁的比赛里发挥得并不好,但球队已经瞄准了在温布利击败曼联。
Indeed, most of my understanding of a design comes from watching other people play and from reading about it on the web. 实际上,我对设计的大多数理解都来自于观察别人玩游戏以及从网上阅读相关内容。
The teacher can play the reading passage ( included on the course CD) and let students repeat sentence by sentence, thereby improving both their pronunciation and fluency. 教师可以放课文录音(包括CD),让学生逐句重复,以提高学生的语音和流利程度。
From Hangzhou of Zhejiang province, to be good at flute play, like gym magazine reading and dance. 来自杭州,擅长长笛演奏,喜欢阅读体育杂志和跳街舞。
From Hefei city, Anhui university, like to play flute and to be interested in reading tour. 来自合肥的安徽大学,爱好长笛演奏,喜欢读书和旅游。
Like sports, art, play, reading, Internet and so on. 喜欢运动,艺术,玩,看书,上网等。
How a Library Gives Play of Chief Position in Reading Activities 图书馆如何发挥读书活动的主阵地作用
This study focused on the role that pictures play in expository text reading. 研究的目的在于揭示插图对说明文阅读理解的影响。
Reading skills play an important role in reading. In this point, the researchers are interested in whether the NL reading abilities that an SL or FL reader has already processed will transfer to his SL or FL reading. 元认知与外语阅读理解3、阅读技能在阅读中起着重要作用,对此,研究者们感兴趣的是外语阅读者已经具备的母语阅读能力是否向外语阅读迁移。
The results showed that many factors, including phonological awareness, morphological awareness and the speed of lexical access, play an important role on Chinese reading. 结果表明,影响儿童阅读的因素包括语音、语素和词典通达等。阅读障碍儿童内部存在一定的异质性。
Metacognitive strategies are only human's psychological phenomena, and they play an important part in the advanced reading. 元认知策略为人类独有的心理现象,在高级阅读理解过程中起着重要的作用。
The author points out that only when the students 'personal participation is brought into full play, can their reading ability and their overall quality be improved. 指出英语阅读教学中只有充分发挥学生的主体性,才能培养学生具备较强的阅读能力和实际运用语言的能力。
Then the reasons of teaching English reading for students 'in senior middle school and the psychological view of reading process and the roles students play in reading are discussed in the following sections. 接着论述了在高中阶段教学阅读的重要性及阅读的心理过程,及读者在阅读理解中扮演的角色&主动地索取知识信息,而不是被动地接受。
By discussing three aspects of reading activity, that is essentiality, concrete steps and its harvest, this paper expounds that the county library ought to actively play a leading part in the reading activity of countryside. 论文从开展读书活动的必要性、具体措施和收获三方面论述了县级图书馆应在开展农村读书活动中积极发挥引领作用。
Cognitive skills related with pretend play include social referencing, reading intentions, quarantine of reality and pretend world, pretense play as symbolic and role-taking etc. 与假扮游戏有关的认知技能主要包括社会参照、解读意图、现实与假扮世界分离、符号化假扮、角色扮演等。
Guiding them to bring the advantage of regional culture into full play, reading more after class; 发挥地域文化优势,开展课外阅读活动;
Schema-theoretic reading strategies, as a major and flawless representative of interactive reading process, play an important role in English reading. 作为相互式阅读模式的完善阶段及主要代表,图式理论在外语阅读中起着举足轻重的作用。
Then they play active roles when reading the original text actively. 其次,在阅读过程中他们始终扮演积极角色。
Cognitive style is one of the factors which is assumed to play an important role in the reading process. 认知方式是其中一个因素之一,它在阅读过程中起着重要的作用。
Late for class, absenteeism, leave early, sleep, play phone, reading novels, chatting, slapstick, widespread cheating on exams. 上课迟到、旷课、早退、睡觉、玩手机、看小说、聊天、打闹,考试作弊现象普遍。
At last, we conclude that relevance theory does play an important role in text reading. 最后,本文得出的结论是,关联理论确实在文本阅读过程中发挥了重要作用。
At the same time, the teacher should activate gestural modality to enhance the students 'output. In this research, this is achieved by classroom discussion, dubbing, role play and reading imitating. 同时,教师应该积极调动体式模态以此强化学生的输出,学生的输出在本文中主要通过课堂讨论、配音、角色扮演和朗读模仿等来得以实现。
Parent involvement, family education and give full play to develop a reading habit in a good role in further consolidating the good results of school education, and culture and uphold the power of the daily routine of training on reading plays an important role in the consolidation. 家长的介入,充分发挥家庭教育在培养阅读习惯中的良好作用,进一步巩固学校教育的良好成果,并在坚持力的培养及日常阅读常规的培养上起着重要的巩固作用。
It is important for teachers to be aware about the crucial role that strategies play in reading and have a clear knowledge of their students 'strategy employment situation. 认识阅读策略的重要作用和了解学生阅读策略的运用情况都是十分重要的。
Word recognition and meaning acquisition play a very important role in reading. 词汇识别和意义的抽取在阅读中起着很重要的作用。